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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Helpful Hint for Telecomm Applicants

We all try to be nice to the many, many applicants for jobs that we receive, don't we? At least we here at Telecommedy Central try After all, we ourselves have been involuntarily unemployed on occasion. However, telecomm businesses are so lean and mean right now, that we don't have time to bring in someone with the wrong skills and hope that they can morph into the person that will save our bacon.

We used to be able to do that, but those days are gone for the foreseeable future. Now, we look for the perfect person for the job. So, we try to let people down easily if they don't match and explain why.

The correct response if you get this type of email from an employer is to say "Thanks", perhaps put in a little plug for future reference and maybe - just maybe - correct any wrong impressions if there were any.

The correct response does not include the following phrase, received in an email response today:
I don't know who was hired for the position discussed above, I just know however, it was not someone as good as I am.
That not only insults our new hire, but our capabilities as a hiring authority as well. The odds of this applicant getting an interview just dropped off of the charts, regardless of future opportunity.

If you haven't realized it yet, it's time to come to grips with the fact that the employers now hold all of the cards. And we're understaffed, underfunded, and underpaid. We make some evaluations based on personality, as arbitrary as that may seem, and making us uneasy or angry will not help in your aspirations.

So, good luck in your job search. Spend time making the resume simple (not overwhelming) and relevant to the position, and re-read your email from the employer's perspective before spouting off.


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